The Letters Branch encompasses a collection of 131,425 volumes, with two reading rooms (books and periodicals) and a home loan center with direct access and electronic operation.
The publications are both in paper and electronic format and belong to the following fields: General Linguistics, Ethnography and Folklore, Universal Literature, Literary Theory, Aesthetics, Art, Culture and Civilization, Romanian Language and Foreign Languages, Romanian Literature and Foreign Literature, Pedagogy, Psychology, Education , Library Science, Communication and Public Relations, Office, History and Philosophy.
The library has a valuable collection dedicated to research and to the formation of a philological-humanistic personality. Among the values inscribed in its patrimony we mention the collection of old books and rare editions:
– Biblia de la București, 1688;
– D. Cantemir: Divanul. Iași, 1698.
There is also a representative collection of Romanian and foreign specialized periodicals, among which we mention: Columna lui Traian, Familia, Ramuri, Arhiva, Bilete de papagal, Convorbiri literare, Revista Fundaţiilor Regale, Dacia literară, Euphorion, Jurnalism şi comunicare, Limba română, Studii şi cercetări lingvistice, Poetics, Documentaliste. The reference works are represented by a great diversity of dictionaries, encyclopedias, bibliographies, biobibliographies, magazine indexes, etc.
The library houses a valuable collection of doctoral theses in the field of philology and culture, as well as volumes of Arts.
The publications can be found on paper and electronically and belong to the following fields:
General Linguistics * Ethnography and Folklore * Universal Literature * Literature Theory * Aesthetics * Art * Culture and Civilization * Romanian Languages and Languages * Literature English and Literature * Pedagogy * Psychology * Education * Library * Communication and public relations * Office * History * Philosophy.